rings freeware downloads

Ring2D for Linux

1.06 freeware download

... command line tool for Ubuntu Linux, that packs rings and disks to reduce waste in cutting processes. ... optimizations are provided: - Given a set of rings and disk parts and a circular sheet, find ...

Ring2D for Windows

1.06 freeware download

... tool for Windows Command Prompt (CMD), that packs rings and disks to reduce waste in cutting processes. ... optimizations are provided: - Given a set of rings and disk parts and a circular sheet, find ...

Generic Java Algebra Library

0.0.1 freeware download

... outline algebraic structures such as Monoids, SemiGroups, Groups, Rings, Fields and various Domains. It is very useful for math development. Eases the work of mathematicains. ...

Tams11 Sliders freeware download

... obession. You roll the dice and slide the rings up that are in the column that matches ... You can also choose to slide your opponents rings down. The first player to have all their ...

Page Flip Book Theme of Promise

1.0 freeware download

... theme has three different templates with flowers and rings. Don't hesitate to get these free new templates to fresh your flipbook output appearance. Attracted output ...

Dark Solar System

2011 freeware download

In cosmology, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy which permeates all of space and has strong negative pressure. According to the theory of relativity, ...

Flash Catalog Templates Ring style

1.0 freeware download

... happiness. Three different templates with nice flowers and rings are prepared for you. They would give you're a nice choice for making wedding book, wedding ...


1.0 freeware download

... more effective in your company. When the phone rings (either Voip, landline or on Android mobile), PhoneMondo looks up data in different data sources like ...

Planets 3D

1.1 freeware download

... The Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the beautiful rings of Saturn, the mysterious structures of the Pluto's surface, all of these can now be seen ...


2021.2.2 freeware download

ACD/ChemSketch Freeware is a popular and comprehensive chemical drawing package, intended for home and educational use only. Since 1998, ACD/Labs has provided ChemSketch freeware to >330 ...


4.1 freeware download

... visible to the observer. The planet, moons, and rings of interest (or comet, nucleus, and tail), stars, the sun, and the spacecraft are all accurately ...

Free Animated Presentation Tool

1.2.0 freeware download

... will be moved when they exchange the wedding rings and promise to love the other one forever. As far as I am concerned, the most ...