"p2p freeware downloads

Webcam Pro Android

1 freeware download

P2P remote viewing streaming video over the Internet. Use web camera pro to watch your spouse at home while you're away or make sure your babysitter ...

HopToDesk freeware download

HopToDesk is a free remote desktop tool allowing peer to peer secure screen sharing, remote control, and file transfer between computers and devices. Unlike other similar ...


6.1.0 freeware download

DexterWire is a fork of the very popular LimeWire Gnutella client. The purpose of DexterWire is to keep and maintain the freedoms that LimeWire has been ...

5 freeware award


3.01.007 freeware download

Create your private file-sharing network to exchange large files with your friends. Only the users you have invited will see the files (and folders) you share. ...

Mizu SIP SoftPhone Free

3.2.6 freeware download

MizuPhone is a free SIP softphone for windows which lets you make VoIP/SIP calls to users anywhere in the world using any VoIP service provider, SIP ...

Shareaza freeware download

Shareaza is the most luxurious and sophisticated file sharing system you'll find. It can harness the power of up to four separate peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Not ...

LimeWire Basic freeware download

Limewire, one of the world’s most popular peer-to-peer filesharing applications, has received a lawsuit from the RIAA, who are demanding $115 million in damages, claiming the ...


0.70a freeware download

What is eMule? At dawn of May 13th 2002 a guy called Merkur was dissatisfied with the original eDonkey2000 client and was convinced he could ...


157 NS 13e freeware download

Soulseek is a unique ad-free, spyware free, and just plain free file sharing application. One of the things that makes Soulseek® unique is our community ...

Torrent Swapper

1.0.0 freeware download

The Social BitTorrent Peer to Peer Client Torrent Swapper is an open sourced sociable peer to peer file-sharing client based on the Bittorrent protocol that ...


4.2.0 (2016-5-2 freeware download

SopCast is a simple, free way to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to radio on the Internet. Adopting P2P(Peer-to-Peer) technology, It ...

5 freeware award


3.16 freeware download

Tixati is a free and easy to use bittorrent client featuring detailed views of all seed, peer, and file transfer properties. Also included are powerful bandwidth ...

Bitspirit freeware download

BitSpirit is a powerful and easy-to-use BitTorrent client which provides not only full BitTorrent protocol implementation but also many personalized features.It supports simultaneous downloads, Download Queue, ...

Inspic freeware download

Inspic is a picture uploader. With this user-friendly tool, you will find how easy and funny it is to share pictures with others. Not only uploading ...

BitTorrent for Mac OS X

7.4.3 B45549 freeware download

BitTorrent for Mac OS X is the global standard for accessing rich media over the Internet. BitTorrent for Mac OS Xis the global standard ...

Meteor Share

5.2.0 freeware download

MeteorShare is one of the most advanced file-sharing programs available at present, one that is most likely to turn you into a very loyal user. Whether ...


5.3.0 freeware download

Trilix is the most comfortable and elegant file sharing system for Windows that help you find and download every file-type (like .mp3, ogg, wma, wmf, wav, ...


5.8.0 freeware download

CruX is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks. CruX is FREE. Simply download it ...


2.3.1 freeware download

Mule stands for all-platform Mule. aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms. Currently aMule (officially) supports a ...


1.2.0 freeware download

easyMule is a free and open-source P2P software to share resources, By the easyMule, we can use all the world's computers and servers integrated into a ...


0.19 RC1 freeware download

What is KCeasy? KCeasy is a windows front end for the giFT filesharing system. Plugins allow giFT to support different kinds of filesharing networks. ...


0.5.4 freeware download

BT++ (bee tee plus plus) is an improved client for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file distribution solution. It is written, like the offical BitTorrent client, in Python ...


3.1.5 freeware download

MLDonkey was originally intended as a pure eDonkey2000 clone, a sector that the original client never served well. Since the release of version 2, there has ...

ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client] for Linux

2.4.3 freeware download

ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client] for Linux is an improved client for the Bittorrent peer-to-peer file distribution solution. ABC is based on BitTornado which extended from ...

BitTornado for Windows

0.3.18 freeware download

TheSHAD0W's EXPERIMENTAL BITTORRENT CLIENT BitTornado is a powerful and easy-to-use BitTorrent client. BitTornado (TheSHAD0W's EXPERIMENTAL BITTORRENT CLIENT) was developed as a simple to use ...